
  • Social Security Card
  • Photo ID (Driver’s License, Passport, or ID Card)
  • Birth Certificate · Childcare records (Including provider’s Tax ID number)
  • Proof of Residence (Document must feature dependent’s name + Taxpayer address)
  • Earnings of other adults in your household
  • W-2 Form (Earnings and Tax Statement)
  • 1099-G (Unemployment)
  • 1099-NEC (Non-Employee Compensation)
  • W-2G (Income from Gambling + expenditure records)
  • 1099-SA / 1099-LTC (Health Savings Account)
  • Other 1099
  • Ledger of revenue and costs
  • Particulars about rental asset (Expense, date of service, etc. for amortization)
  • Tax records for real estate and personal property
  • 1099-R (Pension / IRA / Annuity earnings)
  • 1099-SSA (Social Security Administration)
  • RRB-1099 (Railroad Retirement Benefits)
  • Form 5498 (Indicates IRA contributions)
  • Basis for Traditional IRA (i.e., sums contributed to the IRA that were already taxed)
  • 1099-NEC
  • Schedules K-1
  • Gross Income
    · Bank records to validate earnings
  • Ledger of all expenses –check records, credit card statements, and receipts
  • Info about home office; if relevant
  • Register displaying total miles driven throughout the year (or initial/final odometer readings)
  • Total business miles driven throughout the year (Besides commuting)
  • Intention behind the mileage
  • Sum paid for parking and tolls
  • Bill indicating amount of sales tax for the vehicle
  • 1098-T (From educational institutions)
  • Receipts itemizing educational expenses
  • Records of scholarships or fellowships received
  • 1098-E (If student loan interest was paid)
  • 1099-INT, 1099-OID, 1099-DIV (Interest, Dividend earnings)
  • Revenue from stock or property sales (1099-B, 1099-S)
  • Dates of procurement and records of your cost or other basis in the property sold (if basis isn’t reported on 1099-B)
  • 1095-A (Obamacare: Ambetter, Oscar, Molina, Blue Cross Blue Shield)
  • Marketplace exemption certificate
  • 1095-B and/or 1095-C if insurance coverage was through a different source (e.g., employer, insurance company Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, TRICARE, VA, etc.)
  • Receipts for classroom expenses (for K-12 educators)
  • All other 5498 series forms (5498-QA, 5498-ESA)
  • Ledger of unreimbursed moving expenses
  • Forms 1098 or other mortgage interest statements
  • Sum of state/local income tax paid
  • Monetary donations
  • Records of non-cash charitable donations (GoodWill)
  • Amounts paid for healthcare insurance and related expenses
  • Miles driven for charitable or medical purposes
  • Expenditures related to investments
  • Payment for last year’s tax return preparation
  • Employment-related costs (subscriptions, publications, tools, uniform expenses, and cleaning, travel)
  • Job-hunting expenditures
  • Receipts for energy-efficient home enhancements
  • Ledger of estimated tax payments submitted