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Where do you want service? ACP MiamiACP Vegas
Social SecurityITINApply for an ITIN
First Name*: Middle Name*: Last Name*: Date of Birth: * Filing Status: * SingleMarried Filing JointlyMarried Filing SeparatelyHead of HouseholdQualifying Widow
Cellphone*: Email*: Street address*: City*: State*: Zip Code*: Occupation*:
Spouse Social Security/ITIN Number: Social SecurityITINApply for ITIN Spouse Full Name (as shown on social security card) Spouse Email Spouse Date of Birth: Spouse Date Occupation:
Do you have any dependants? YesNo
Full dependant name: Relationship: D.O.B: Social Security/ITIN Number(select one): Social SecurityITINApply for ITIN
Do you have any other(s) Dependant(s)? YesNo
Do you have any health insurance from Marketplace? (Obamacare- form 1095-A)* YesNo
Did you trade or sell any stocks for 2024? * YesNo
Were you affected by any natural disaster in 2024?
Do you have anything to add?
Who may we thank for referring you to ACP BUSINESS USA?
Account Number & Routing Number to Receive Refund (if it's the case)